My FileCheckMD5 utility is getting long in the tooth, so I’m designing a much more robust application: ExactFile. More information here.
Author: Brandon
How to make sure your web page doesn’t work
1. Hype up your new operating system.
2. Announce that you will have a public beta within a month.
3. When you release the public beta, make sure you tell everyone it will only be available to a limited number of people for one day.
4. Success!
The Windows 7 beta is supposed to be available today. I’ve been trying for a while, but their system is so hammered I can’t get to the page where I’m supposed to get my product key and download link.
Making video demonstrations of software
Just a quick post to tell you about a program I found quite well designed and useful. I always appreciate it when people mention my own software, so I figured I’d do the same.
I decided it was time to create some videos for SwordSearcher Bible Software. I bought a license for Instant Demo, and I’m glad I did. After a few days of work, I’ve got three videos done. They aren’t Hollywood productions, but they look and sound good, and give people who don’t like reading manuals or web sites an alternative to learning about my software. The learning curve for Instant Demo is not very steep, and there are excellent tools for all of the things good software videos need, like highlighting hotspots, tweaking and refining mouse movements and clicks, adjusting delays, and adding audio narration.
New version of SwordSearcher released; adds Dispensational Truth
Yes, I’ve been pretty quiet here lately — with good reason.
Version 5.4 of SwordSearcher Bible Software is finally released!
For years I’ve received requests for Clarence Larkin’s Dispensational Truth. I’m happy to report that it is now part of the SwordSearcher study library, including all of the charts. This was a pretty big job. The charts in the book were not suitable for scanning as they often spanned pages and just couldn’t be properly combined into single images. So, I obtained large-format prints of the charts, then had them scanned with hardware designed to archive large blueprints. The result is the best possible scans of these old illustrations.
You can see what else has been added here.
How the no-consequences mentality gave us the financial crisis
Here is a good article that explains why we have a financial problem, who gave it to us, and what should be done about it:
It’s clear to me that our pathological aversion to personal responsibility has worked itself so far upward that our entire economy has become based on “no consequences for bad choices.”