Delphi 2007 Update 1: CodeGear Delivers

A while back I blogged about my major disappointments with Delphi 2007. I’m happy to say that the problems D2007 had, which prevented me from using it for project development, seem to have been adequately addressed with CodeGear’s first service pack.

To wit, I’ve just used Delphi 2007 Update 1 to compile what I hope to be the next release of Daily Bible and Prayer — version 2.1, a small update. I was able to do all of the .1 development in D2007 without anything holding me back, and the finished product works as it should. If all goes well, DBAP 2.1 will be released (as a free update) later this week.

Patents Gone Wild

EBay in Patent Fight Over ‘Buy It Now’

“A small Virginia company in a patent fight with eBay Inc. asked a federal judge Tuesday to stop the online auction powerhouse from using its ‘Buy It Now’ feature allowing shoppers to buy items at a fixed price.”

And here I thought buying items at a fixed price was just the way most stores sell things! I never knew it was such a novel concept that someone could actually file a patent on it.

Obviously, there’s some absurd obfuscation involved that some patent clerk thought was good enough for a filing. This is just like the ridiculous “One click buying” patent had — a company being granted ownership of a concept so utterly simple and obvious.

I’m all for intellectual property rights, but this is beyond absurd.

Sir Robert Anderson: An interesting theologian

Intersting Guy of the Day: Sir Robert Anderson. Sir Robert had quite a sharp wit, as anyone who has read his theological writings knows. He spent his life fighting criminal activity and was at Scottland Yard, but also fought against critics of the authority of Scripture as well, defending the authenticity of the Book of Daniel among other things.

By no means was he perfect, of course, as no writer on Biblical topics ever is. But overall, his life was a “net benefit” to Christianity and his books are currently enjoying more circulation today and continuing to influence students of Scripture.

I’m pleased to have been able to add several of his doctrinal writings to the latest version of SwordSearcher Bible Software.

The Many Myths of Ethanol

John Stossel exposes The Many Myths of Ethanol:

When everyone in politics jumps on a bandwagon like ethanol, I start to wonder if there’s something wrong with it. And there is. Except for that fact that ethanol comes from corn, nothing you’re told about it is true. As the Cato Institute’s energy expert Jerry Taylor said on a recent “Myths” edition of “20/20,” the case for ethanol is based on a baker’s dozen myths.

Senseless policies on immigration

My prediction: the Republican presidential candidate who gets out in front and fights against this absurd amnesty bill will take the nomination. All they need to do is make it the issue.

Here’s a good article: GOP Sellout: A senseless giveaway on immigration

I expect this kind of nonsense from the Democrat party. You know what’s sad? I’m no longer surprised when I see it from the Republican party.

And again, I point out: you’ve got President Bush, Senator “No Free Speech For You” McCain, and Senator Kennedy all on the same page here. That can only mean one thing: really, really stupid idea!