Global Hot Air: Why So Gloomy?

On Global Hot Air: Why So Gloomy?

“Recently many people have said that the earth is facing a crisis requiring urgent action. This statement has nothing to do with science. There is no compelling evidence that the warming trend we’ve seen will amount to anything close to catastrophe. What most commentators—and many scientists—seem to miss is that the only thing we can say with certainly about climate is that it changes.”

Interesting article, to be sure. Even more interesting is the mini-bio for the author:

“Lindzen is the Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His research has always been funded exclusively by the U.S. government. He receives no funding from any energy companies.”

…because people love to accuse scientists who deny the global warming hysteria of being Evil Oil Company shills.

US Supreme Court of Scientists: Exhalers are polluters

The US Supreme Court has a new diktat for us. Are you ready for this?

Here we go: Carbon Dioxide is a pollutant.

This interesting molecule, without which life on earth would not exist, has been shafted by the US Supreme Court. And I felt sorry for Pluto. This beats what happened to Pluto by a mile.

The problem with this ruling is not the absurdity of calling CO2 a pollutant (which is certainly absurd), but is, yet again, the US Supreme Court ignoring their Constitutional role and pretending to be legislators.

The Supreme Oligarchy essentially decided that Congress erred in not including CO2 in the list of “pollutants” that the EPA is charged with regulating, so they decided to simply amend the law by fiat.

When are people going to wake up and realize that the United States is no longer a country of law, but one of authority? This is not the government described by the Constitution.

Delphi 2007 for Win32: Oops!

Delphi 2007 — Oops!

Earlier this month I blogged about my enthusiasm about Delphi 2007 and CodeGear. I did so before D2007 was shipping based on what I saw in the betas. I meant every word of it.


Hold on a bit. D2007 has shipped, but there exist a couple of serious problems. Suffice it to say I can’t build a production-level application with D2007 due to some nagging open issues — issues that should never have made it into the final release. It appears that CodeGear was so in need of revenue in 1Q 2007 that they simply had to get it out the door this month. Unfortunately, this means that it’s not good for releasing applications until they release a hotfix or two to address two major issues:

1. Task bar button stuff. Applications compiled with D2007 just don’t work right in this respect.

2. Applications compiled with D2007 don’t show up on the Windows task list. Ouch!

Of course, there are workarounds, but this is pretty disappointing. I’m not disclosing anything that comes from beta testing — this is stuff from the released version of D2007.

Why am I writing this? I opened my mouth (er, typed my keys) and said how great D2007 is. I owe it to anyone reading my blog to update them on it just in case it matters to them. D2007 is great, to be sure, but it’s just not done!

This isn’t really new, of course. D2005 wasn’t done when it was released either, and eventually became usable. D2007 is way better than D2005 — it’s just frustrating that some very visible issues still need to be fixed before it can actually be used in a production environment.