America Alone

Reading list: America Alone

Mark Steyn makes a compelling argument that Europe is already lost to Islamofacism, and the Islamofascists didn’t need to bomb a single pizza parlor to do it.

Steyn’s book is all about demographics. His argument is nigh unanswerable: if the folks in your country are reproducing at a rate lower than is necessary to even sustain your population, and you have a cradle-to-grave welfare state that requires you to have workers to tax, you’re going to have to let them come in and they will eventually own the place. This is already happening all over Europe.

Steyn also makes a solid case for something most of us already understand intuitively: our culture is superior to theirs. If you’re intent on holding to the indefensible position that all cultures are morally equal, you won’t like what you read in Steyn’s book.

All-in-all an excellent read. Steyn has a good sense of humor that fills every page. Even though he’s discussing what amounts to a coming New Dark Ages, you’ll find yourself giggling all the way through.

America Alone is easily the best political book of the year.

SwordSearcher 5.0 Released

SwordSearcher Bible Study Software 5.0 is Finally Done and Released!

Some of you may be wondering why I’ve only blogged twice in the last three months. Well, I haven’t really had the time or energy, because I’ve been pouring most of those things into getting SwordSearcher 5.0 “out the door.”

And, finally, here it is!

Version 5 is the most significant update to SwordSearcher since 2001 when 4.0 was released. You can see what’s been changed and added here.

In addition to the major update, I’ve also developed a free utility advanced users and publishers can use to create modules for SwordSearcher without using the internal editor. I’m calling it Forge.

More reasons to drink coffee

More reasons to drink coffee:

Study Shows Coffee May Prevent Alzheimer’s

A new study suggests coffee may go a long way toward protecting your brain cells from the damage of Alzheimer’s disease and several other neurological diseases.

Study Says Coffee Reduces the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Researchers at the University of California suggested that those having a cup of coffee a day cut the risk of having type 2 diabetes to 60 percent.

So enjoy that cup of caffeinated goodness.

Forum Software: vBulletin is better than phpBB

On Forum Software:

I like vBulletin.

I recently upgraded my SwordSearcher User Forum from phpBB to vBulletin, and I couldn’t be more pleased with the process. My phpBB board was getting hammered by spammers and administrating the board was just a major chore because of the way phpBB is set up.

Not so with vBulletin. Handling administrative tasks is just so much easier. This is definitely another example of “getting what you pay for.” Just because something’s free (as in phpBB) doesn’t mean it’s a good deal.