Race; Apartheid; and Knucklehead Politicians in Hawaii

Apartheid in Hawaii:

“The Senate is poised to sanction the creation of a racially exclusive government by and for Native Hawaiians who satisfy a blood test. The new race-based sovereign that would be summoned into being by the so-called Akaka Bill would operate outside the U.S. Constitution and the nation’s most cherished civil rights statutes. Indeed, the champions of the proposed legislation boast that the new Native Hawaiian entity could secede from the Union like the Confederacy, but without the necessity of shelling Fort Sumter.”

I am no expert on Hawaii, but I did live there for ten years.

This “new government” stuff is just stupid. For one thing, the vast majority of the Hawaiian people voted for Hawaii to become a state! It’s true that there were some abuses by large corporations in the past, but that doesn’t change the fact that there was an overwhelming consensus among Hawaiians that becoming a state of the Union would be a good thing. Further, there are hardly any “pure” Hawaiians left! Most people who qualify as Hawaiian for race-based government handouts couldn’t beat an Elvis impersonater in a “how Hawaiian are you” contest.

There is a common myth amongst Hawaiian victimists and race-pimps that missionaries “gave Hawaiians the Bible and stole the land.” If this were true, it would still have been a good deal for the Hawaiians. But the reality is that while the missionaries gave Hawaiians an alphabet, they couldn’t teach them how to make decent candy (yuck). and instead of “stealing land”, they brought Hawaiians a new way of life — maybe what Akaka wants is a return to a more pure Hawaiian culture, like ritual human sacrifices under a military dictatorship, instead of the current system of one vote for every person. (Actually, in Hawaii, they can’t even get that right.)

Don’t get me wrong, Hawaii is a beautiful place. Kauai is the most beautiful environment I have ever lived in. But the current climate of racist, entitlement-driven politics makes me glad I don’t live there right now.

Amber Frey Has Advise for Women

Amber Frey becomes motivational speaker You remember Amber, right? She was the “mistress” of Scott Peterson, the man who murdered his wife and son. Well, Amber says that “there are so many women who can relate” to her own experiences, so she is becoming a motivational speaker(!). Uh, okay, maybe I am a bit out of touch — but how many women have adulterous relationships with men who murder their own families? Are there really enough of them to support her new career?

Spammer stash for you

This spammer’s stash could be yours

I have mixed feelings about this can-spam law. I’m not sure it’s the responsibility of the federal government to step in and regulate email. But I guess this lawfull way of dealing with it is better than letting vigilanties kill spammers, though.

Don’t get me wrong — I hate spam as much as anyone else. However, many cures for spam problems are worse than the disease. Due to more aggressive spam filtering, it is getting harder and harder for legitimate email to get through. It’s common for less than 50% of legitimate newsletters sent to actually get to the recipients who have signed up for them because of ISP spam filtering being too sensitive.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand — how on earth does a spammer like the one AOL busted make so much money in the first place? Are there actually people who respond to those offers to “el_Imin8 d.e.b.t” or buy “VlÁ-GRA VA1ì.UM C1àL1.S”?