Bush pounding Kerry

TIME.com: Campaign 2004: Bush Opens Double-Digit Lead – I’m not big on polls, but this does give some interesting information. I am pleased that people seem to be coming to their senses and Bush’s margin is widening. However, in regards to who people “trust” to handle Health Care issues, this poll basically proves people “trust” the guy who promises to give stuff to them.

Trump: Bankruptcy Doesn’t Matter

According to Donald Trump, bankruptcy “doesn’t matter.” I’m sure that it helps a bit for him to know that while his company will be going bankrupt and that hundreds of people invested in the company will lose lots of money, he still gets his 2 million a year plus other benefits. If I’m not mistaken, Trump has a book out about how to get rich. I wonder if it has a chapter on cheating people out of their investment money. Well it’s not any wonder that so many people resent “the rich,” when high-profile wealthy people like Trump give them reasons to.

Will free software kill shareware?

Will free software kill shareware? – As an independent developer who relies on intellectual property rights for a living, I am somewhat resistant to the “free software” movement, though I fully support the right of any programmer to decide how to license (or not license) his software. As the author of this article points out, “free software” has only become a player in the market because it is no longer run by “the little guys,” but pushed and funded by mega-corporations like IBM and Novell. A “little guy” (not in physcial presence, mind you) like myself needs to be able to charge for his work if he is going to earn a living doing what he is gifted to do. Will there be room for shareware if “free software” takes over the world? What will happen when people become used to getting software for free? The only thing that I know for certain is that a market that exists due to the abilities of mega-corporations like Novell or IBM to fund free software will not help “little guys” earn a living from their craft unless those “little guys” want to work for those companies. And as the author concludes his post:

“I wonder — if free software kills shareware, who is going to write all the truly useful applications?”

[Post updated on 8.29.04-1.17pm]