“The policeman in the western city of Pilsen first fired a warning shot in the air. But when the man refused to return to the pavement, the officer shot at him twice but missed…”
Author: Brandon
Windows XP Service Pack 2 preview
I’ve been using the “preview version” of Windows XP Service Pack 2, and I must say that Microsoft is doing good with this update. I do have a few complaints about their new download warnings, as it may turn off neophytes to downloading good software, but otherwise it’s a worthwhile update.
Of particular importance is that Internet Explorer now blocks all pop-ups by default, and it works much better than any pop-up blocker that I have used before. This is great, because when the designer that controls over 90% of the web browser market blocks pop-ups by default, it’s going to send pop-up pimps packing.
Site redesigned
I just finished a complete re-design of this website. New colors, new buttons, and less pictures of me! That should make people happy.
Bush’s State of the Union speech redeemed
Bush’s State of the Union speech redeemed – I remember quite a bit of “news” coverage about Bush’s “lie” that Saddam was seeking uranium in Africa. I don’t see nearly a tenth of that amount of coverage now that it’s beyond a doubt that Saddam was, indeed, looking for the stuff. Anyone who says the media doesn’t push an agenda isn’t paying attention to what they choose not to report.
Hamburgers in North Korea: Quality Food
Kim Jong Il Introduces Hamburgers to North Korea as ‘quality’ Food – You gotta hand it to these dictatorships. They sure know how to win points with the people.