CSS Editing: TopStyle Pro

The wonders of CSS…

If you edit web pages and do any coding by hand, then you need to get TopStyle Pro. I did a little redesign of this site, incorporating improved CSS utilization mainly with the navigation links on the left, though I still have a way to go to get the whole site redesigned with CSS. But I did completely redesign www.Bible-Topics.com with the help of TopStyle, and I heartily recommend it. As time allows I will eventually rebuild all my sites with style sheets, and wouldn’t want to do that without the help of this great program.

Mickey Mouse writes antipiracy law while wearing an Orrin Hatch costume

Antipiracy bill targets technology

“Litman said that under the Induce Act, products like ReplayTV, peer-to-peer networks and even the humble VCR could be outlawed because they can potentially be used to infringe copyrights.”

This is very bad. This is Disney being allowed to shape copyright law. Orrin Hatch should be ashamed of himself for promoting such nonsense.

Saying that devices or software that can be used for copyright infringement should be outlawed is just like saying that firearms should be banned because some people use them to commit crimes. It’s bad thinking.