Unfit for Office – John O’Neill commanded the same Swift Boat in Vietnam that John Kerry did. He gives more arguments showing Kerry’s extremely dishonest nature.
Author: Brandon
An article about sex
An article about sex — An interesting read. Not a usual topic relating to sex, either.
Kerry’s Discarded Decorations
Discarded Decorations – There is an obvious discrepancy between what John Kerry said before and what he is saying now when it comes to chucking his military decorations. While it’s clear that he was intentionally misleading people before when he said he threw his medals over the fence, as opposed to his ribbons, as he now says; there is a bigger issue here that goes straight to Kerry’s dishonest nature. The point is that Kerry wants to have his cake and eat it, too. He threw his decorations (whether they be medals or ribbons, the act was symbolic) away, but today he demands to be regarded as a decorated military man as he runs for president.
Throwing probes at plantes ain’t cheap
Expensive Hardware Lobbing – Check out this scorecard of our attempts at exploring other planets.
Republicans think they need MTV
Republican Voter Drive Heads to MTV — Yeah, this is what we need! People who care more about voting for their favorite music video than who is in the white house on the voter rolls! (Does my text drip with enough sarcasm?)