It looks like some of the most prominent critics of the Iraq war might just have had something besides “international law” when they objected. [Article] This isn’t the least bit surprising, of course. And one must wonder how the US was supposed to go about building consensus in the United Nations when so many countries were receiving bribes from Saddam.
Author: Brandon
$820 Million to see if Mars was ever wet
Second Rover Lands Successfully on Mars
“the twin rovers make up a single $820 million mission to determine if Mars ever was a wetter world capable of sustaining life.”
$820 million may be a drop in the bucket of Federal spending, but is it really worth that much money to find out if Mars was ever wet?
New Jersey Politician Targets Homeschoolers
New Jersey Politician Targets Homeschoolers
“While New Jersey politicians attempt to punish law-abiding homeschoolers for the sins of DYFS and the Jacksons, one of every 14 children in foster care in the state is placed in a home operated by someone with a criminal conviction or documented as having mistreated a child.”
Mars Rover is talking again!
Mars Rover is talking again! Good to know that the money isn’t just going down the tube. It’s still not working right, but maybe it won’t be a complete failure (unlike several previous probes).
Mars Rover Stops Sending Data
Mars Rover Stops Sending Data – Yet another Mars probe fails. Is it just me, or does it seem a bit premature to start planning manned missions to Mars?