Science Fiction author Orson Scott Card has written a very compelling essay where he says “some of my fellow Democrats are unpatriotic.” It’s an interesting article touching on various points of interest to the current race for President in ’04 and addresses comparisons of the Iraq War with the Vietnam War. [Article]
Author: Brandon
WND: SADDAM CAUGHT! — With the economy booming again, and now Saddam getting caught, the democrats running for president are really up a creek!
Supreme Court agrees with Congress: No Free Speech for You
The US Supreme Court today upheld restrictions on political speech, such as restrictions on advertisements before an election. It’s a natural progression, of course, since true freedom of religious speech and association was done away with a few decades ago. Well, the first amendment was getting old anyway. [Article] Freedom of political speech isn’t important these days, I suppose — but we can hang on to the first amendment for perverts and vulgar pop stars or the f-word on broadcast television, since they were the ones the first amendment was meant to protect anyway.
Judge: ‘Gay’-diversity week violated rights of Christian
Utah Polygamist states the obvious
It was only a matter of time: Utah Polygamist Invokes Ruling