The cowardly court

The cowardly court: The US Supreme Court today refused to weigh in on the Ten Commandments monument case involving Judge Roy Moore, allowing an absurd ruling by a lower court to stand. This is cowardly because the court is refusing to clarify why it is okay for the Supreme Court to have the Ten Commandments plastered in it’s own courtroom just behind the chief Justice, but not okay for an elected chief Justice in a State Supreme Court to place a monument in his courthouse. [Article] Also: Why I think this is a stupid ruling

Chris Matthews knows when he sees a simpleton

Chris Matthews: Simpleton Bush not chief – this is an interesting read. Considering that Chris Matthews wrote speeches for one of the most abysmal failures of a presidency in US history (Carter), it’s tough to take Matthews seriously anyway. This guy is yet another frustrated liberal, upset that his ideology is without electoral strength for the time being.