Homeschool Spin: A Look at the Dark Side — Very funny, and timely too, given the recent CBS junk-reporting on homeschooling.
Author: Brandon
Osama admits Iraq war shifts battlefront
One of the positive aspects of the war in Iraq is that it has shifted the “battlefront” on terrorism away from the USA and into Iraq. Detractors claim that a war in Iraq has nothing to do with the war on terrorism — despite the well-known fact that Saddam paid the families of suicide bombers $25,000 each for murdering innocent Israelis — but now we have Osama bin Laden himself stating that Iraq is the new battlefront in the “jihad” against the US. [Article] Isn’t it better to have the war on terrorism fought outside of the USA? I think so.
General Clark: Easier to lie as a Democrat
Whatever misgivings I have about President Bush (and I have quite a few), none of the Democrats battling for the nomination could be as presidential as one G. W. nose hair.
This goes double for General “Weasel” Clark. He has repeatedly stated that he thinks Bush has done a terrible job as commander-in-chief — but this is a new idea for Clark. You see, before Clark decided that it would be easy to beat a bunch of clowns in the Democratic party rather than try to get somewhere in the Republican party (certainly, running in the primary against Bush would be hopeless), he had all kinds of praise for Bush and his administration.
Maybe he figured that if he was going to be running as a Democrat, he better act like one and, well, lie a lot. A whole lot. We’re talking Clintonian proportions, only without any of the Clintonian slippery slickness that Bubba gave us for eight years — because this is only the latest manifestation of Clark’s propensity for obfuscation of truth.
Now that’s a fast internet connection!
Physicists smash internet speed record – So how do I get one of those connections in my house?