Author: Brandon
Rush Limbaugh admits to addiction
Today Rush Limbaugh told his audience that he has been addicted to pain killers for years since he had surgery on his spine. [Rush’s statement] Rush is asking for prayers as he endeavors to break his addiction over the next 30 days. As I wrote here a few days ago, becoming addicted to pain medication under these circumstances is a very forgivable failing.
Judicial insanity continues
Judicial insanity continues: A federal judge has thrown out a rape sentence of a man convicted of repeatedly raping the 8 year old daughter of his fiance, because Bible verses were read by the sentencing judge in court. [Article]
Supreme Court: Stillbirth Murder
The Supreme Court has already invented a constitutional right to privacy, a “right” that has led to legal abortion, the striking down of sodomy laws, etc. Proof that such a “right” is absurd, the court still upholds laws and rulings that interfere with this so-called right — such as not allowing private, personal drug use, prostitution, etc. But even more paradoxical is that the same court that has determined that this right means that a woman should be allowed to kill her unborn children, even late-term by having a doctor sever the child’s spinal cord and then extract the corpse from her womb, now is allowing a “stillbirth murder” ruling to stand. [Article] Here we have a cocaine addict who has been convicted of murder for killing her unborn child with drugs in her system. The absurdity of our judicial system’s arbitrary decisions regarding this “right” to privacy (which includes abortion rights) is amplified by the fact that if this woman had chosen to have a partial-birth abortion, instead of carry the child to term, there would be no legal question.
Rush and Schwarzenegger… The lynch mob is on a rampage.
Rush Limbaugh said that he thought McNabb was an overrated quarterback. He said that he thought the sports media wanted to see a black quarterback succeed so badly that they overrated McNabb. This is not a racist comment; it is a comment that includes a racial point. It is an indictment of the objectivity of journalists, not an attack on McNabb, though McNabb certainly would feel a bit slighted at being called overrated. Calling this a racist comment is lying. One can disagree with it but it is not racist. But this one the liberals won: Rush quit his commentator job at ESPN. One more score for the political correctness nazis.
But at the same time, something much worse came up. There is an investigation that alleges Rush repeatedly bought prescription pain medication illegally. Here’s what I think: First, the charges are suspect because they were solicited by tabloids for big bucks (six figures). Second, it is hard to believe that someone as intelligent as Limbaugh would trust a maid with such a sensitive thing as getting prescription drugs on the black market. There are doctors that will simply write the prescriptions for the right money. However, today, Rush declined to comment on the case. This is no proof of guilt, but it is hard for me to understand under what circumstances he would be unable to simply deny that he bought pain killers illegally from his maid, unless that it would be a lie. Regardless of the legal proceedings that are probably inevitable, if he is innocent, I don’t see why he can’t at least deny that he had done it. Now, no charges have been filed, so he can’t respond to charges that don’t exist, so I am inclined to wait it out and see what unfolds. If it happens to turn out that these allegations are true, it would be a disappointment. But, it is not difficult to understand how someone in extreme pain could become addicted to pain medication. I have had severe ear infections and I recall how unbearable the pain could get and couldn’t blame someone for wanting to get whatever medicine they could to alleviate such pain. Since Rush was going through a serious problem with his ears, this is quite possible. I don’t know. Anyway, if it is true, it is a very forgivable failing.
Now on to Schwarzenegger: I have written here that I find certain things about Arnold’s past very problematic and would have a hard time voting for him. To sum it up, I do not accept the defense that he gives when he says “if I had known I would be running for governor…” this implies that the behavior exhibited in such interviews as was published in Oui magazine is really okay, just not good for someone who would eventually run for office. This is an unrepentant attitude and I would have a hard time supporting someone who doesn’t flat-out disown such behavior. I also reject the notion that things done when someone was 30 years old are nothing more that youthful indiscretions. People can change, but people must acknowledge the change without excusing sin at the same time.
That being said, the recent LA Times reporting about Arnold’s sexual harassment history is cesspool-flotsam reporting at its worst. Timing such a report that it is published just days before an election is typical “October surprise” Democrat tactics. The bias of the LA Times is obvious and flagrant. Such a thing may end up having the opposite of the intended consequence. Many Californians will likely now vote for Arnold out of spite because the agenda of the LA Times reporting is so transparent and infuriating.
Even though I have misgivings about Arnold, and in fact, if I were still a Californian I would likely vote for McClintock, I despise the kind of treatment he is receiving.
It’s clear to me that this is a result of the liberal elite being out of power in the legislative and executive branches — and still losing the little power that they have. For decades they owned every branch of government almost across the entire country. Now they only have the judiciary. They are desperate and will stop at nothing to undo the loss they suffered over the last several years. Another example is the hyping of the complete non-scandal over the CIA agent who was ‘outed.’
Unfortunately, Americans have very, very short memories. There is no reason to believe that the liberal elite won’t win.