This is hard to believe: Rush Limbaugh in pill probe]. I guess we will have to wait until tomorrow to hear Rush’s response to these allegations, but something about this story doesn’t read right to me. It seems odd that someone with so much money couldn’t just find a doctor willing to prescribe him with whatever he wanted, like they do in Hollywood.
Author: Brandon
People whine about immigration ‘injustices’
People whine about immigration ‘injustices’ – Of note is the quote: “Of course, the government should be doing more for us.” There was a time when people immigrated to the USA to do things for themselves. People used to come here for opportunity to live in freedom, now many come with their hands out demanding things just because they are here.
Clark Never Called Karl
Clark Never Called Karl – Wesley Clark has started his campaign off on the right (left?) foot — telling lots of lies. Besides these varifiable falsehoods, it’s fun to listen to him contradict himself on something he is supposed to understand (war), such as stating that he would never vote to authorize war, and that he probably would have voted to authorize the war in Iraq. Talk about trying to be all things to all people.
Senators making a little sense; Extreme Stuff; Displays of Suicide not Condoned
Some senators are making an interesting point: it is easier for the recording industry to get information on alleged copyright violators than it is for the Justice Department to investigate terrorism. [Article] And of course we have the ever-clueless Boxer from CA who can’t tell the difference between a company sharing a customer list and forking over specific user details to an organization who wants to sue users.
Just when I thought everything under the sun that could be called “extreme” had been, from underarm deodorant to low-budget TV sports shows, Intel decided on the over-used marketing label for a new CPU: Pentium 4 with Hyperthreading Technology, Extreme Edition. Yeah, the CPU looks nice and all. But if it actually says “extreme” on it, it would just feel silly putting it in my computer. [Article] Well, I’ve been using AMD CPUs for years now anyway.
Here’s an amusing statement for the day: “Obviously, the St. Petersburg police does not condone public displays of suicide.” [Article] Good to know!
California courts doing what they can to ignore the law
Appeals Court Delays Calif. Recall Vote – The California recall circus and the judicial oligarchy saga continue. Judges appointed by Clinton and Carter decide that the will of the people in California (and the law) don’t matter because six counties are using older voting machines. So where was this court when Gray Davis was elected and these same machines were used? If the recall election is allowed to be pushed into March, it is a clear victory for Davis who can count on more votes from Democratic primary voters. Once again the liberal left can thank their judges for thwarting the will of the people. It’s important to remember that while the recall process in California may be bad for a republican form of government, it is law. Again we have judges ignoring law when it suits them.