CBS reporting based on forged documents: surprise!

The CBS report of a memo which supposedly shows Bush’s Guard service was dishonorable is getting quite a beating. First of all, the documents appear likely to be forgeries: see here and here. All indications are that the documents were done in a modern word processor — quite a feat for something supposedly written thirty years ago.

But what is more important here is the blatant bias this shows of Dan Rather and CBS. They have latched on to evidence that is, at best, highly suspect. Unlike real journalists, they totally ignored the problems with the ‘evidence’ in their report. Further, while there are plenty of people who are still alive and served with Kerry, CBS doesn’t care what they have to say when they criticize Kerry. But suspicious documents written by someone who isn’t alive? Great! As long as it hurts Bush…

Bush pounding Kerry Campaign 2004: Bush Opens Double-Digit Lead – I’m not big on polls, but this does give some interesting information. I am pleased that people seem to be coming to their senses and Bush’s margin is widening. However, in regards to who people “trust” to handle Health Care issues, this poll basically proves people “trust” the guy who promises to give stuff to them.