Kerry’s Discarded Decorations

Discarded Decorations – There is an obvious discrepancy between what John Kerry said before and what he is saying now when it comes to chucking his military decorations. While it’s clear that he was intentionally misleading people before when he said he threw his medals over the fence, as opposed to his ribbons, as he now says; there is a bigger issue here that goes straight to Kerry’s dishonest nature. The point is that Kerry wants to have his cake and eat it, too. He threw his decorations (whether they be medals or ribbons, the act was symbolic) away, but today he demands to be regarded as a decorated military man as he runs for president.

Virginia Government: Those kids are ours!

In Virginia, children still belong to the government, and parents do not have the right to educate their children unless they have what the State considers a sufficient education themselves. [Article] Virginia throws parents a bone and allows them access to the development of their children if they are enrolled in a course that the all-knowing and all-perfect State education system approves of. With all of the hoops Virginian parents are required to jump through to control the education of their own children, one wonders: what is the legal recourse that a parent has if the Virginia education system fails their child?