US Supreme Court of Scientists: Exhalers are polluters

The US Supreme Court has a new diktat for us. Are you ready for this?

Here we go: Carbon Dioxide is a pollutant.

This interesting molecule, without which life on earth would not exist, has been shafted by the US Supreme Court. And I felt sorry for Pluto. This beats what happened to Pluto by a mile.

The problem with this ruling is not the absurdity of calling CO2 a pollutant (which is certainly absurd), but is, yet again, the US Supreme Court ignoring their Constitutional role and pretending to be legislators.

The Supreme Oligarchy essentially decided that Congress erred in not including CO2 in the list of “pollutants” that the EPA is charged with regulating, so they decided to simply amend the law by fiat.

When are people going to wake up and realize that the United States is no longer a country of law, but one of authority? This is not the government described by the Constitution.

Global Hot Air: The Absurdity of Anthropogenic Climate Change

It seems laughable that in this stretch of record-low temperatures and ice accumulation that the media is bombarding us with global warming fear mongering. But alas, the crisp weather hasn’t seemed to reach the socialists behind the latest “international” report claiming that the United States is destroying the world with SUVs.

The only question I have is if Anthropogenic Global Warming will become a footnote in history like the Global Cooling theory or eugenics BEFORE these anti-capitalists get their laws and treaties passed.

Some links for your perusal:

Global Warming: The Cold, Hard Facts?

“As Lindzen said many years ago: “the consensus was reached before the research had even begun.” Now, any scientist who dares to question the prevailing wisdom is marginalized and called a sceptic, when in fact they are simply being good scientists. This has reached frightening levels with these scientists now being called climate change denier with all the holocaust connotations of that word. The normal scientific method is effectively being thwarted.”

The Real Deal?

“Dr. Shariv’s digging led him to the surprising discovery that there is no concrete evidence — only speculation — that man-made greenhouse gases cause global warming. Even research from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change– the United Nations agency that heads the worldwide effort to combat global warming — is bereft of anything here inspiring confidence. In fact, according to the IPCC’s own findings, man’s role is so uncertain that there is a strong possibility that we have been cooling, not warming, the Earth.”

Climate Change’s Carnival Atmosphere

“Moreover, NASA’s own data indicate that there appears to be no significant change in temperature trend since the early 20th century. No doubt this is why Hansen and his co-authors admit in their study that the time period they considered for their temperature analysis (1990-2006) is “relatively short,” rendering it “difficult to establish the reasons” for this warming.”

The Supreme Court, free speech, and McCain

The US Supreme Court is going to hear a campaign finance case. The McCain-Feingold law is one of the most free-speech-infringing pieces of legislation ever to come out of Congress, telling Americans what they can and can’t say about politicians during election periods. A weak Republican congress, and a president who forgot his veto pen, all assumed the “bad parts” would be struck down by the Supreme Court. That didn’t happen in 2003, but maybe this time it will. Let’s hope so.

And, if you’re a Republican voting in a primary, remember that McCain doesn’t think Americans should have the right to pool their resources during election time to support politicians and issues, and oppose politicians and issues, without restrictive guidelines that he sets.

America Alone

Reading list: America Alone

Mark Steyn makes a compelling argument that Europe is already lost to Islamofacism, and the Islamofascists didn’t need to bomb a single pizza parlor to do it.

Steyn’s book is all about demographics. His argument is nigh unanswerable: if the folks in your country are reproducing at a rate lower than is necessary to even sustain your population, and you have a cradle-to-grave welfare state that requires you to have workers to tax, you’re going to have to let them come in and they will eventually own the place. This is already happening all over Europe.

Steyn also makes a solid case for something most of us already understand intuitively: our culture is superior to theirs. If you’re intent on holding to the indefensible position that all cultures are morally equal, you won’t like what you read in Steyn’s book.

All-in-all an excellent read. Steyn has a good sense of humor that fills every page. Even though he’s discussing what amounts to a coming New Dark Ages, you’ll find yourself giggling all the way through.

America Alone is easily the best political book of the year.

Global Warming Already Happened

Global Warming Already Happened

People sweltering from a heat wave in the Mid-Atlantic region of the U.S. might find cold comfort in the fact that the temperatures of the past few days are not the hottest on record. That “honor” belongs to a summer 76 years ago — decades before the controversy over “man-made global warming” began.

I simply find it amazing that with something as unpredictable as the weather (we can hardly get an accurate five-day forecast!), people are convinced that human beings are having a measurable impact on it. If you can’t tell me how hot it’s going to be next week, how serious am I supposed to take you when you tell me that “it’ll be hot and it’s your fault!”